Tuesday 5 January 2016

Sound used in video games.

Shay Wragg
Extended diploma in Games Design L3
Unit 73: Sound for computer games
Lecturer: Josh Rai

Sound used in video games.

In this post i will be telling you about different soundtracks and sound FX used in video games.

I first listened and analyzed five sounds like the soundtrack, sound FX etc, used in different games and listed why the developer used them.

1. Assassins Creed 2 Ezio's Family OST

This soundtrack is extremely well suited to the game, it uses instruments such as the violin, piano, electric guitar and an acoustic guitar.

The soundtrack is calming and represents sadness and vengeance which gives it full sync with the game. It's called ''Ezio's Family'' because Ezio (Protagonist) loses his father and two brothers at the beginning of the game and the main story line is to seek revenge on those responsible.

In the track it begins with what sounds like a young girl singing then accompanied by a violin and the rest of the instruments, the volume gradually increases and the song gets faster and it really does suit the game and you can clearly see why the developers have used this piece.

The song is used in the main menu as well as major cutscenes within the game.

2. Super Mario - Coin Effect

Many people will recognize this sound effect as near enough everyone has played Super Mario.

It is a very simple sound that was created years ago and does its job well, the sound is triggered when the player picks up a coin and therefor is rewarded a point.

3. Minecraft - Steve ''Hurt Sound''

This sound was used to indicate the player taking damage and is the only dialogue used in the game. 

When the player is hit by an enemy or generally takes damage the player will let out an ''OOHHH'' sound.

A damage sound effect is pretty essential in any video game.

4. Slender - Following and death sound FX.

These sounds were created to have the player on edge and that's exactly what it does, it creates a uneasy feeling for the player and then if Slender Man catches up to you the loud sound of static is startling and makes them game much scarier. 

Following and Death Sound FX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QUkvrYwjNI 

5. Destiny - Exotic Drop

In Destiny the weapons are classed in different tiers and an ''Exotic'' is the highest, this is the specific sound when the player finds an Exotic.

The developers have added this because it's a distinct sound that a seasoned player will recognize.

Why is sound FX and Music important in video games?

Sound is a major aspect of video games, it's part of the entertainment experience. 

It creates a more 'real' experience for the player, when they shoot a gun or find an object it adds feeling to the game. 

A game can be playable without sound or minimal sound, but in my opinion and many other player opinions it would make the game extremely dull.

A game i recently played called "Lost Planet" for example, the game itself isn't bad but it's an exploration game, but you'd find yourself walking through a desert alone with nothing but a low volume boring soundtrack playing in the background and it honestly felt like a waste of time.

But playing an exploration game like Tomb Raider gives the player a more loud interesting soundtrack and it really hooks the player. 

This is why a soundtrack is needed, to hook the player not bore them.


Waveform is a set graph that represents an audio signal or recording that shows the changes in amplitude over a period of time. Waveform is recorded using the X and Y axis.


Foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds that are added to film in post production. The purpose of Foley is to create sound FX such as a punch or footsteps. 

There are many ways to recreate a noise such as hitting a slab of meat with a bat to sound like a punch or two Foley artists stamping on a marble slab to represent footsteps.

These sound effects tend to be mixed and played with before being put into use.


Timbre is the sound or quality of a musical note, sound or tone that distinguishes different sounds such as vocals and musical instuments.

The physical characteristics that determine the perception of Timbre include spectrum and envelope.

Psychology of sound.

Here are three games that use sound to convey information.

1. Thomas was alone.

In Thomas was alone the entire game is voice narrated. The narrator tells the story and tells us how the characters are feeling etc.

2. Slender 

Slender is a horror game that places the player alone in a dark woods and tasks them with finding eight pages. Every time a page is picked up the soundtrack of the game gets slightly faster and louder, which makes the player feel uneasier as they progress. 

An eerie soundtrack along with avoiding a 7ft monster with no face and tentacles, allows for a pretty scary game.

3. Pneuma breath of life

Pneuma is a puzzle game that is narrated by unknown protagonist, throughout the game the protagonist thinks he's God as he's essentially spawned in a world alone and can customize the world to his liking. 

Towards the end of the game Pneuma does an amazing job of breaking the fourth wall as the protagonist realizes he is in fact being controlled by someone beyond which is obviously you, the player.

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